Personal Care

Personal care involves supporting individuals with daily living activities and maintaining personal hygiene. For seniors, personal care provides assistance with daily living tasks, personal hygiene, and toileting needs, along with dressing and grooming. Services may include bathing or showering, applying lotions or creams, and bed baths. Personal care offers one-on-one support from trained caregivers to discreetly and sensitively meet hygiene needs.

A caregiver can provide assistance with:

  • Bathing and showering to support personal hygiene.
  • Dressing and undressing to help streamline routines.
  • Oral hygiene like brushing teeth.
  • Applying makeup and tending to hair, shaving needs.
  • Foot care, especially for those at risk such as diabetics.
  • Toileting, changing pads, and intimate hygiene.
  • Moving in bed to prevent pressure injuries and encourage mobility.
  • Caring for ostomies or catheters like changing bags.
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